Archive for October, 2006

Grounded Coffee and Tea House


This is not a coffee forum. This is a compendium of observations of cafe and coffeehouse culture. We have never adopted an official definition, but in the backrooms and penthouse suites of cafetableaux, there have occurred vigorous debates of what constitutes a suitable establishment for coverage on this website.

Coffee-centrism is obviously critical, but how can this be defined? Is it the amount of space on the menu and in the program devoted to coffee-based drinks? Is it the prominence of the espresso machine? Is it represented by keywords such as ‘bean’, ‘buzz’, or ‘grounds’ in the name of the establishment? Can the importance of coffee to the proprietors be judged based on whether the brew is served from an vacuum airpot, an urn, or a carafe?

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is a compendium of literary, anecdotal musings on coffeeshop and cafe culture.
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Perk Espresso Perk Coffee & Espresso
Eugene, Oregon
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Flying M Flying M Coffee House
Boise, Idaho
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Java Connection; Green River, Wyoming Java Connection
Green River, Wyoming
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Method Coffee Bar and Tea Lounge Method Coffee Bar and Tea Lounge
Decatur, Georgia
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