Archive for July, 2007

Cafe Verde


Although I try my damnedest to creep the coffeeshops local to my home, it often ends up feeling like a sad chore that fits into the rote rolling through roads and places that disappear because I have seen them thousands of times, and I do not like to do that to special places like coffeeshops. Or perhaps I just like being in my house. I still drink coffee, but I do it on my terms and I can do it in a chair that I like to read in or in front of my machine or desk. On the road I have no choice. Moreover, the little voyages to find these new shops act as conducting bodies in a lengthier consumption of the locale. This is similar to my reflections on bookshops in my hometown, at which I rarely bat an eyelash unless I am parlaying a Corrin 7″ into a used Proust. The distant coffeeshop supports a romance beyond these utilitarian workaday conceits. Thus, I nestled two trips to Cafe Verde into a visit to Detroit.

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is a compendium of literary, anecdotal musings on coffeeshop and cafe culture.
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Octane Coffee Octane Coffee
Atlanta, Georgia
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kiva_07 Kiva Han, Forbes & S. Craig
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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Jittery Joe’s Five Points Jittery Joe’s Five Points
Athens, Georgia
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Camera Cafe, London Camera Cafe
London, , England
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