Archive for April, 2010

Red Eye


When I was a junior in college studying architecture I was less than enthused about the stature and promise of my studiomates, much less their personalities. On a Sunday morning I could be sure that they would be significantly less charming than usual with their khaki shorts reeking of some unidentifiable cocktail of Natural Light, Tanqueray, and Big K, and possibly not having picked the dried bits of puked-up Varsity off of their soccer sandals. I was supposed to meet my ‘team’ at ten that morning to work together on a shared chipboard site model for the studio. Had I realized before I got there that the time had changed that night, that I was an hour early, I would have just concocted the inevitable lie without dragging myself from Home Park. As it was I perfunctorily loitered for about ten minutes before heading back home to see what sort of debauchery Jeff was into for the day. Whether I have been more of a grown up since that day is arguable, but I never benefited from ignorance of DST’s mechanics again until this just past fall.

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is a compendium of literary, anecdotal musings on coffeeshop and cafe culture.
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The Hideout Coffeehouse & Theater The Hideout Coffeehouse & Theater
Austin, Texas
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bombay03 Dr. Bombay’s Underwater Tea Party
Atlanta, Georgia
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Coal Creek Coffee Company; Downtown Laramie, Wyoming Coal Creek Coffee Company, Downtown
Laramie, Wyoming
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Mani’s Bakery
Santa Monica, California
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