Archive for April, 2012

Earth Cup


Before we get into it, let me state emphatically that Cafe Tableaux believes that you should support independent coffee shops, family businesses, mom and pop stores, locally owned cafes, etc, and should not support corporate chains such as those that come to mind without us having to name them.

The location of Earth Cup is pretty cool; it is a tiny box sort of tucked between a castle and what we like to call the “Los Angeles Block”. A few tables and a deck hollowed out of a tree-lined residential street, it is situated as more of a neighborhood spot than say, Satellite or the not-yet-tableaux’d Green Line | Powelton Village. It is akin to the other non-tableaux’d Green Line Locust. (NOTE: At this summer’s Cafe Round Table’aux discussion, there is a workshop scheduled towards charting a new method of describing coffee shops that do not rely on the Green Line/Satellite models.)

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is a compendium of literary, anecdotal musings on coffeeshop and cafe culture.
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Grounds For Coffee
Ogden, Utah
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House of Joe Coffee House House of Joe Coffee House
Melbourne, Florida
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Monmouth Coffee Company Monmouth Coffee Company
London, , United Kingdom
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bombay03 Dr. Bombay’s Underwater Tea Party
Atlanta, Georgia
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