Archive for September, 2012



Thanksgiving weekend, 2010, Boston, MA, etc.
Perks in Two Catalogues:

Catalogue of Norwood and Environs:
Thanksgiving burning leaves, extended family basements and Commodore 64 games, unupholstered banquettes made of plywood, the Blue Hills, Great Blue where my parents names are carved in a tree, the smell of perpetually shaded carpet, oilcloth drapes, copious funeral homes, awkward sweater vests, Catholic churches, the Auto-Mile, walking divided highways without sidewalks, melancholy skies, Ponkapoag Pond boy scout weekends, apple cheeks, Star Market, downtown likely seen by few, commuter rail parking, unattended children on a commuter train, weddings in hotels on Route 1, bright sunlight and murky melancholy interiors, plaid furniture, shit-smears, family reunions in hotels on Route 1, coffee and soy milk, Thanksgiving shoppers, children playing hide-and-go-seek in the elevators and fire stairs of hotels on Route 1, wedding clothes from a thrift store, a woman’s blazer, an open bar, Route 1, drunk cousins, broken boot heels, drunk tableauxist, red streetlights, one pound bags of Shaw’s potato chips and dim basements, seventh largest carillon in the United States, foam earplugs covered by flattened wax earplugs, sweaty ears, some people are dead now who had been at Norwood weddings and reunions, creaking funeral home radiator, sheer curtains, flattened piles of autumn leaves.


Catalogue of Other Possible Names for Perks:
Employ of recognizable coffee euphemisms Joe, Java, Brew, Bean: Joe Joe Norwood’s, Central Station Java, Brew Hills, Washington Street Beans; Employ of vessels for coffee: Minuteman Mugs, Ponkapoag Presses, Commuter Cups; Employ of preparation methods: how about Auto Mile Auto Drip; Or even maintaining their preferred genus one could ascribe fun puns and plays: Percolators, Percola, Perky Perc’s, Perking Structure, or my favorite Suomi Perkele.

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One can never satisfactorily trace the lineage of an otherworldly bout of diarrhea, nor does one find it especially pressing during the clenched throes of such a battle. However, with some relished distance from the event, especially transcendent with the quaking buoyancy of a still-vacant gizzard, that event’s epidemiology becomes a more than a mild preoccupation, lest one too quickly reestablish the same conditions out of ignorance. Thusly, as well besotted with other distractions, I found myself fumbling at the counter of Sightglass.

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Java Break



Thos boots up his Tabeo and ‘logs on’ to the Marvel website to see about legally downloading some comic books. JHT catches him, “My real work had one of those devices, but we couldn’t figure out how to use it so it is in a filing cabinet somewhere, next to the boss’s empty iPod.”

Thos: “I just use this to read comics and carry photos of my cats.”
JHT: “Oooooh, that thing holds comics? I was lured into reading some comics last year, but I did not see the appeal. It was all camp. I couldn’t look at any of the characters without thinking of them on the Superfriends cartoon. The Watchman [Watchmen — ed.] was slightly less silly, but hey, I’ve pretty much read the literary precursors to everything written after 1957, so it wasn’t overly new or interesting to me.”
Thos: “Who convinced you to do that — the guy who only reads DC? I don’t get along with those people.”
JHT: “■■■■■■■■■. He is into the actual stories as entertainment and as, I guess, like a soap opera?”
Thos: “He did strike me as someone who really cares about the characters, and follows their ‘lives’ come hell or high water. I am interested in the content and interconnection of the meta-universe, the paratextual framing, the oeuvre of particular artists or writers; the characters are mostly secondary. Except for Carol Danvers.
JHT: “Fascinating!”
Thos: “I mean, I don’t particularly care for many of the Avengers, so if they took Bendis off writing duties and replaced him with Quesada, I would just drop the title or titles. I bet ■■■■■■■■■ reads anything with ‘Batsomething’ in the title, no matter what it is or who produced it.”
JHT: “Bat…woman? Say, that reminds me, what the fuck is She-Hulk?”
Thos: “You just said ‘Batwoman’, so I suspect you already know the answer. When you get wrapped up in characters and myths like ■■■■■■■■■ does, you will find yourself stuck following titles for years after the creative quality has fallen. Miniseries or storylines that are plotted with a definite end are superior. Not only comics, but everything should be made in a limited run – comics, tv shows, bands, careers. Nothing can stay sharp forever. It’s why Breaking Bad is awesome, while The Walking Dead is going to be nonsense. I never gave two tugs over Punisher before Garth Ennis was able to write him without regard to the rest of the Marvel Universe, aging him in real time. Jason Aaron was able to replicate that success in his own out-of-continuity series. Who gives a shit about Punisher if he is just another superhero who turns into a cyborg or goes to Hell?”

JHT leads Thos under a ‘stained glass’ ‘dome’ and into a concrete chambre populated with tattered couches that seems to have been transported through spacetime from a 1976 Southern Tech dorm basement. “I think I’ve been in this room before,” Thos worries. The walls and floor are smothered with graffiti, mostly done with Sharpie, and all of it is vulgar. Any innocent image or phrase has had a phallus or X-rated clause appended. ‘I am a unicorn…with a cock!’ ‘The Stone Roses….can chew my ass!’

Java Break; Lawrence, KS

Thos: “As we have discussed over email, everyone loses their edge, George Lucas, Robert DeNiro, Eddie Murphy. Probably not Steven Spielberg, yet.
JHT: “Grumble…”
Thos: “And whatever I had, I lost in the 90’s. At some point our parents were hip. My parents were my age when they had kids; now that I am at that age, I have realized that you can still be aware of the culture around you; I guess that they were able to maintain an awareness, as well. I had always assumed that they were in a sort of arrested development from the point when they had children. When my mom mentioned that Chewbacca uses a bowcaster it blew my mind; now I realize that she was only 30 when Star Wars dropped, so of course she would be able to follow it. It was probably as cool to her as Dark of the Moon was to you. My dad was listening to the British Invasion and fighting Rockers on his Vespa like five years before I was born. From my point of view, that was something that happened in the distant past, to strangers, but all the stuff they did as a young couple, like living in Europe and Clarkston was the immediate past for them. Five years ago for me, as of today, I was writing for CafeTableaux; that hasn’t changed for me. I remember my Joe Coffee Bar tableau like it was yesterday. Anyway, the point is that you slowly become square or out of touch without realizing it.”
JHT: “That doesn’t apply to me, because I am still pretty hip.”

Thos: “Example. I was listening to Paul’s Boutique in the bathtub last night. That shit came out over 23 years ago. That’s less time than between Abbey Road and when I called my dad a fossil for not listening to The Farm’s Spartacus!
JHT: “My parents didn’t allow me to listen to music, unless you count ABBA. My dad had The Eagles’ greatest hits on cassette in his Gremlin, but he never played it for me.”
Thos: “The band is called ‘Eagles’, not ‘The Eagles’.”
JHT: “Whatever. I hate the fucking The Eagles, man.”

Java Break; Lawrence, KS

JHT seizes upon Thos’s silent rage as an opportunity to further strengthen the case for his hipness by talking about Darkthrone 1994 versus Darkthrone 2012. Before reaching the ultimate point about new jack kids who only listen to new jack clones of Darkthrone’s early black-metal blueprints, but decry Darkthrone’s current speed-metal-punk as posertastic, JHT is awkwardly silenced by the entrance of a Java Break janitorial staffer in a Dying Fetus tee-shirt who has slowly been mopping his way toward the exegesis on metal trends. Finding only silence, the hesher heads on to the janitor’s closet allowing Thos to retake control of the conversation.

Thos: “It amuses me to see the bands that people post on facebook that they ‘like’ these days. Back in high school, someone like ■■■■■■■■■■■■ would have found Ultravox! or Deep Breakfast in my Dodge Charger’s tape deck and called me an ‘art fag’ for not listening to Naked Raygun or Voivod. Now, of course they try to prove their urbane eclecticism by posting Jacques Brel and RZA and Band of Horses and Marissa Nadler videos all in one night.”
JHT: “Sounds tedious.”
Thos: “Truth be told, most people just post photos of their kids standing in the yard. Which is fine, I guess, if that is all you have going on in your life. I just post photos of cats and food. And links to cafe tableaux that no one clicks. But if I didn’t know these people when they were younger, when they had an ‘edge’, I would just think they were ordinary old schmucks.”
JHT: “■■■■■■■■■■ seems like a cool dad. He’s pretty much the same guy I knew in 1996.”
Thos: “I’m not sure what is so radical about sending your kids to a ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ .”
JHT: “I think what I am trying to tell you is there are dumber parents than ■■■■■■■■■■.”
Thos: “You think because he has listened to ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ for 16 years that he is not like other parents? My dad was listening to Cream.’
JHT: “I guess the difference, in my opinion, is that probably when your dad was listening to the Wheels of Fire 8-track, so was every other person on Earth. I know you loathe breeders, but you have to admit that simply having a kid doesn’t immediately mean you are a fuckwit. Stanley Kubrick had kids, the original James Joyce had kids, Perry Kulper has a kid! Its funny, I see this as a similar argument that a lot of straightedge kids have, which is, not drinking liberates your mind to conquer new territories and contribute more to society. I am all for that! But many of the ones I grew up with were wasting their lives as much as any East Atlanta barfly is. They would, and probably you would, believe that because I can only write when I am drunk that my work has no merit. But, all I care about is what people produce, as long as I don’t have to pretend to care about their baby pictures.”
Thos: “My point was that our residual self images do not evolve with others’ views of us; so I’m lost on your tangent of trying to prove that ‘kids are cool’. Fuck it. My interest is waning.”

JHT shakes his head and excuses himself to the restroom, which opens immediately into the seating area, sans ‘buffer zone’.

Java Break; Lawrence, KS

Thos: “I’m bothered when bands…”
JHT: “Enough! The airport is an hour away; can we please not pad out the remainder of this tableau with another ‘dialogue’ of half-cooked philosophical rants?”
An arduous discussion follows concerning artists who remain staid while the scene around them changes (Aerosmith), versus those whose output evolves (The Beatles). Special attention is given the latter, with regards to what changes seem forced (Bright Eyes, Iron & Wine) and what seems natural (Radiohead, maybe Darkthrone).

On the way out the door, whilst cursing Java Break’s bullshit wifi account requirement, the tableauxists browse the wall of portraits of past customers. JHT muses that he’ll be a regular here soon; setting up his laptop in the corner and growing into the Java Break community, “Have I mentioned to you that I’m going to die in this town? I hope my face is on the wall before I go.”

The End!!

Cafe Tableaux. On The Road. Summer 2012
« Chapter 8: Aimee’s Cafe and Coffeeshop

Wandering Goat. Eugene, OR Perk Coffee and Espresso. Eugene, OR Java Break.  Lawrence, KS Aimees Coffeehouse.  Lawrence, KS Black Sheep. Sioux Falls, SD The Fix. Buffalo, WY Coffea.  Sioux Falls, SD Liquid Planet. Missoula, MT Zootown Brew.  Missoula, MT

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Aimee’s Cafe and Coffeehouse



No breakfast for our heroes today, as they set to the task of unloading the trucks at dawn. Some initial trouble is encountered when they are unable to detach the trailer from the car; a gaunt, raving greaseball approaches.

“Here, let me get on the bumper of the truck and shake it; it only weighs 18,000 pounds, math is my thing, physics too, I reckon my 120 pound frame might be just enough to disengage the trailer hitch. Man, I’m feeling nice from that caramel cappuccino Aimee’s fixed up for me. I got a case of Four Loko if anyone here needs a bump. I think I’ll take one now. I love the sound of a can cracking open. It reminds me of The Jerk when he is shooting the oil cans. Who was in that, George Carlin? He was a white guy who says he was born a poor black child! Hey, that reminds me; did you know that in Africa they don’t shave? They just burn their hair off with matches. I’m going to start doing that. Manscaping with fire! Woah, this box is heavy; I’ll just leave it here for someone else. What’s in there, records? Say, if you like records, you should go to the music store on Mass, I’ve found some crazy shit there, man. You could also go to the Social Service League Store, they just have stacks of records there all the time. I get all my dishes there. My daughter tells me that it’s gross because she doesn’t want to eat off of used dishes. I tell her what do you think a restaurant uses? Hey, that reminds me, if you want some food after this, there is a diner that makes the best funnel cakes in Kansas just down the street. I go there for lunch every day. We should hang out later. Where do you want this table? I wish I had an extra arm growing from my back, because that would make it easier to carry stuff. I think you’ll like the table right here; I know you will, because we artists think alike. I can introduce you to the art scene here. Sorry, braja, I can’t do it tonight, because I have a cage fighting match later. Man, I’m starting to crash; can I sit on your chair for a minute? I hope it doesn’t soak up sweat. I could use a teenth right now. Hand me another one of those Four Loko, eh? I prefer the coconut. Peace out!”

JHT: “It must be nice to be that guy. Its hotter than a witch’s tit and he didn’t even break a sweat. I’ll bet he can’t even remember waking up this morning.”

Aimee's Cafe and Coffeehouse

Aimee’s is best entered from the rear. As JHT recently discovered in the New York Times think-piece about a critic driving to West Virginia and related to Thos, ‘the journey is often better than the destination’; our travelers enjoy such a journey as they approach the windowless cinderblock wall and step through a steel cargo door into a black passageway. The scales fall from their eyes as the passage opens into a room where a line of yokels perch on stools behind plates of eggs and bacon. Antique chandeliers are being sold in an adjoining room.

Thos: “This place is not suitable for Cafe Tableaux. They are cooking something in a frying pan.”
JHT: “But I got to have an iced coffee. I need that afternoon buzz!”
Thos: “For fucksake, Is that a meatball grinder?”

Our boys take their cold beverages – JHT’s 16oz and Thos’s 20oz — to the rear of the shop where there are few high back chairs far enough from the grill. JHT, having been holding in his shit since arriving in Lawrence twenty hours ago because there is no toilet paper at the CT lake cabin, deposits his drink, which he declares, “tastes like ice cream from HoJo’s”, on the side table and runs the 90′ passage to the restroom. Returning, he is sweaty and exasperated. “I can’t believe this place isn’t handicap accessible. The turning radius in the WC is like eighteen inches.”
Thos: “Well there is a set of steps between the entrance and the crapper anyhow.”
JHT: “If they started the ramp at the front door, there might be just enough linear feet to reach the bathroom floor.”
Thos: “First, I don’t know if it is wrong to say this, or wrong to avoid saying it. But, note that there are several kids in this room strapped into wheelchairs. They managed to mount the stairs somehow.”
JHT: “Indeed. Have you heard the music that has been playing since we came in? It has just been this endless rambling piano piece, one note at a time. It sounds like it was recorded with a Teddy Ruxpin.”
Thos: “Yes. Do you think it might be a piece composed by one of those sp’ed kids? It sounds like Satie.” Thos mimes the phonometric hammering of piano keys.
JHT: “Maybe this is their premiere?”
Thos: “I wish I knew. It is the best piece of music I’ve heard since Dummy came out.”

Aimee's Cafe and Coffeehouse

Looking over the galvanized steel and padded chairs that surround pedestal tables, while a man from the antique shoppe rages that his kid’s Wii only lasted five years, CT debates its grading scale. Perhaps too quick to pass out good grades, Thos suggests that though a ‘C’ sounds bad, it is ‘the average’; JHT believes that every place should be an ‘F’ and have to work its way from there. Aimee’s is not the worse place visited On The Road; you wouldn’t mistake it for a Drury Inn lobby, for instance. Thos argues that barring a personal insult by a barista, a refusal to offer soymilk, and/or the unavailability of private seating any place is eligible for a passing grade; at least there isn’t a single laptop in the joint. It is agreed that closing on Sunday is an immediate ‘F’.

Cafe Tableaux. On The Road. Summer 2012
« Chapter 7: Black Sheep | Chapter 9: Java Break »

Wandering Goat. Eugene, OR Perk Coffee and Espresso. Eugene, OR Java Break.  Lawrence, KS Aimees Coffeehouse.  Lawrence, KS Black Sheep. Sioux Falls, SD The Fix. Buffalo, WY Coffea.  Sioux Falls, SD Liquid Planet. Missoula, MT Zootown Brew.  Missoula, MT

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Black Sheep



Black Sheep is more like it. Despite being located in a fading commercial strip near a divided highway, Black Sheep has managed to carve out the kind of space that drives CT to go On The Road in the first place: artisanal coffee roasting, pour overs, hip playlists, and even eclectic seating for JHT. The tableauxists enter grandly and make a spectacle of themselves by studying the bilingual signage on the walls, inspecting everything on the counter with their hands, staring at patrons until they return gaze, and photographing the sink, trash can, and ATM.

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Coffea Roasterie



Cafe Tableaux again breakfasts in the lobby of the motel, this time amidst eastern outliers of the Sturgis rally. This crew includes a fat man laying out the reasons he is fat for his fat wingman. “We got a gift certificate to one of them boot camp things from my son. We did it for the two weeks. I was in the best shape of my life for that two weeks. But you know how busy we get. My wife and I just really need to start cooking food at home. It is too easy to just stop on the way home and pick up something from CiCi’s.”

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The Fix



A solid door in an understated blank wall serves as the pedestrian entrance. Solid doors into businesses, being rare, conceal only one of two possibilities: terrors or treasures. The coffee lobe of The Fix’s trinary business model appears to be focused on drive-up customers. Recalling the miserable tableau (Fox News on a battery powered television, a partially complete jigsaw puzzle of a burro wearing a straw hat, a booger-encrusted geezer fumbling open pre-cellophaned peanut butter bagels) they trod into in a Green River, WY, drive-up the previous year [Java Connection — ed.], our thirsty devils are right to be hesitant about entering. Two lot lizards on a bench outside razz them, “What are ye waiting for? There’s coffee in there; you can trust us!”

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Liquid Planet



No one wants to be here. Neither tableauxist will be the first to step in line. “Are we getting coffee here?” “There’s not time in the schedule to find another place.” “The only other place I saw was that City Brew or what the fuck as we cruised into the Heart of Missoula. The Starbucks-looking place.” “I do not think we would be pleased to visit that.” At least this place sells crates of Gallo and Bud Ice, so is somewhat more remarkable than your typical Seattle-style coffee shop [see Full City Pearl — ed.]. “Can you wait until Butte?” “I would prefer to have coffee when I wake, like a normal person; some of us can’t lounge around all morning then go for a coffee stroll at 11am!” It’s settled; they order beverages, JHT’s 16oz and Thos’s 20oz.

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is a compendium of literary, anecdotal musings on coffeeshop and cafe culture.
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high tide Savannah Bagel Cafe
Savannah, Georgia
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18th Street Coffeehouse
Santa Monica, California
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Jo’s Downtown Jo’s Downtown
Austin, Texas
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Beanstreets Coffeehouse
Asheville, North Carolina
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