Beige barren Landscape
Texas plains bathed in Asphalt
Texans there entombed.
Air conditioning, laptop
Die behind the Wheel.

Perhaps I needed to shit. Perhaps longing for another mouth for my voice. The word coffee loomed and lit white from a white sky was more a brown katana to my bowels. I bought a white bagel and clumped floating soy in a cup. I used the men’s room. Advertisements on the walls convinced me that Kick Butt was a gateway business for a dojo; advertisements and throwing stars at the register. The Matrix on a television and the conversations of businessmen ushered me back outside. I ate half the bagel under a billboard. I ate the other half and drank the coffee in the parking lot of my destination.

Burning air has little taste
No thrift store couches.
Kick Butt Coffee, Airport Boulevard
5775 Airport BoulevardAustin, Texas 78752