Ritual Coffee Roasters

San Francisco, California

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I am filled with preconceived notions and unfulfillable expectations. It is no place’s fault that they fall short. Certainly every place is loved by someone just like every person, no matter how objectionable I might find them, usually seems to stir themselves up a mate. I like things that many people would find uninteresting. One of my favourite parts of Mexico City was the piles of garbage and the guy selling cellophane tape on a towel by the Zocalo. Some people love Starbucks and some people love shopping for CDs. I went to the Mission district to buy records and be breezily caffeinated in a gentle coffee shop. After tearfully leaving Aquarius Records empty handed with the kind of embarrassment a kid has making an uninformed off-color boast to an older crowd and being shut down, I tasted the air in search of some blackjo and did not have to go far to hail Ritual. Although not the breezy and oddly light-filled tomb of afternoon hot beverages that is Dr Bombays or Chapterhouse, it redeemed the BART trip for me with its concept.

Ritual Coffee Roasters

Lord I miss the California sunlight. The city was completely washed out. The little revolutionary flag hanging over Ritual hopped lopingly like things do in the afternoon. But lord I do not miss idle Californians. Dipping out of the crystalline sunlight I was immediately confront with the eyes of 50 Thursday mid-afternoon idlers in ironic sweatpants or head-to-toe denim get-ups. Whereas the guy in Aquarius could barely deign to look up from the counter at me after enjoying the feting of the ‘experimental music’ shopper who desperately hoped that someone in the store recalled the ‘magazine’ he used to publish, I now had 100 glazzies besotting me. I focused on the quickly moving line I was in and everything settled back into the din. Completely soured by Aquarius I prepared to treat the barista like shit to avenge what I saw as the injustice against me by the Mission district but instead found an earnest and quite enjoyable personality behind the counter. Being the last in the diminished line I bantered a bit about the size of their ‘small’ coffee and my insistence on maintaining my order even after seeing it. Satisfied for the afternoon with 15 seconds of conversation I surveilled the rest of the cavernous shop in the glow of laptop after laptop and took my little cup out to the sidewalk.

Ritual Coffee Roasters

I was back in California in the sun. I saw a tortie in the window of a decrepit storefront of a ruinous shop sleeping with its back pressed against the glass and a woman chuckled at me as I took a picture of her (the cat). I drank my bitter brew and chewed more grounds than the last cowboy to the chuck wagon and plotted to ‘spitefully’ order the Daktaris record I was looking for from Aquarius when I got home to the worthless sunlight of Georgia.

Ritual Coffee Roasters

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Ritual Coffee Roasters

1026 Valencia Street
San Francisco, California 94110

One Response to “Ritual Coffee Roasters”

  1. jawkdna

    Great entry. BUT I must say Ritual is my spot. Before work, after work. Vegan donuts and slow service…
    I love it.

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