Pennsylvania cafes

Cafe Mojoe

Cafe Mojoe

Review by cafe tableaux: it’s too much like someone just wanted to have a little cafe, and went to home depot to pick up whatever…

Chapterhouse Cafe

Chapterhouse Cafe

Review by cafe tableaux: , golems, Arvo Part, wainscotting

Double Shots Espresso Bar

Review by cafe tableaux: I don’t feel the need to support a cafe that displays the Drudge Manifesto as its most important book.

Earth Cup

California Dreamin

Review by cafe tableaux: The location of Earth Cup is pretty cool; it is a tiny box sort of tucked between a castle and what we like to call the “Los Angeles Block”. A few tables and a deck hollowed out of a tree-lined residential street, it is situated as more of a neighborhood spot than say, Satellite or Green Line.

Green Line Cafe

Green Line Cafe

Review by cafe tableaux: you arrive in time to see the coke-bottled tweaker in blue descending walnut hill, with a five gallon bucket tucked under each arm.

Grindcore House


Review by cafe tableaux: Grindcore House is truly an awesome place that serves its neighborhood by providing more than just coffee and treats

Joe Coffee Bar

Joe Coffee Bar

Review by cafe tableaux: Adjacent to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and surrounded by middling offices

Kaffa Crossing

Kaffa Crossing

Review by cafe tableaux: the alpha and omega of West Philadelphia coffee.

Kiva Han, Forbes & S. Craig


Review by cafe tableaux: Why am I out in public? Superb question! It seems a fabulous idea until I am entrenched in a foreign armchair or couch.

Main Street Coffee Works

Main Street Coffee Works

Review by cafe tableaux: Will you escape the stifling bounds of this ville? Or will you toil in its confines, with every day ending as the day before…

Mark’s Cafe

Mark\'s Cafe

Review by cafe tableaux: For years I have sought such a marriage—cafe and library—the way the mythologized, Arthurian knight sought the metaphorical Grail.

Mugshots Coffeehouse & Juicebar

Eastern State Penitentiary

Review from cafe tableaux: It would be nice to meet up with Susie and Joan, post-workout, for a decaf white chocolate raspberry double cappuccino

Old City Coffee

Review by cafe tableaux: they maintain a calendar alerting you to upcoming coffees-of-the-day such as Zimbabwe AA or Sumatra Gayo Mountain.

Red Hook Coffee and Tea

Review by cafe tableaux: Thank you! Say Hi next time, I’m not all that mean, really.

Satellite Coffeeshop

Satellite Coffeeshop

Review by cafe tableaux: Punks eating vegan treats, ‘bike shop’ bagels, and kale smoothies. Bring your own mug for a random discount.

Stellar Coffee


Review by cafe tableaux: Stellar is prone to closing without warning and opening without regard to the hours posted on the door.

The Flying Saucer Cafe

Review by cafe tableaux: when i write the tableau, it will start with, “case study number two in why fairmount cannot sustain a decent coffeeshop.”

The Last Drop

The Last Drop

Review by cafe tableaux: being an independent business does not absolve one from criticism; if you are going to engage in a practice that puts off customers, be prepared to face critique

The Village Coffee House (née Mean Bean)

Village Coffee House

Review by cafe tableaux: The paper cups of coffee in which soymilk consistently clotted were certainly not the draw, nor was the erratic service.

Walnut Bridge Coffee House

Walnut Bridge Coffee House

Review by cafe tableaux: few options for locking bicycles, other than to shackle one’s wheels to a nearby, trash-strewn staircase or toss said bike over the bridge…

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is a compendium of literary, anecdotal musings on coffeeshop and cafe culture.
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Java Hutt Java Hutt
Ferndale, Michigan
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Coffee Break; Bismarck, North Dakota Coffee Break
Bismarck, North Dakota
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Eastern State Penitentiary Mugshots Coffeehouse & Juicebar
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Coffea Coffea Roasterie
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
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