Santa Monica cafes

18th Street Coffeehouse

Review by cafe tableaux: Windows onto the street were open and David Duchovny and Tracy Ullman were breaking off coffees and getting harassed

Mani’s Bakery

Review by cafe tableaux: mani’s was all the things the cogs argue that los angeles is, too big, too many disparate functions, too many empty faces.

Velocity Cafe

Review by cafe tableaux: This place works, not in a Hausmannish way, but more like the winding, beehive neighborhoods of Fez, where routes of movement follow from patterns of habitation and commercial/social exchange, rather than the reverse.

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high tide Savannah Bagel Cafe
Savannah, Georgia
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California Dreamin Earth Cup
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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One Caffe One Caffe
Atlanta, Georgia
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Haymarket Cafe
Northampton, Massachusetts
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