Seattle cafes

Cafe Allegro

Cafe Allegro

Review by cafe tableaux: downstairs from the pensione, college inn, right across the street from gould hall, the university of washington…

Fremont Cafe

Fremont Cafe

Review by cafe tableaux: The coffeeshop has a different function for the tourist, the dériver, and any transient functionary than it does for…

Mighty O Donuts

Mighty-O Donuts

Review by cafe tableaux: I must declare that there would be no higher purpose for coffee to serve than to accompany these delectable gems!

Sureshot Coffee and Pinball

Sureshot Coffee and Pinball

Review by cafe tableaux: Coffeeshops in the city are the magnetic answers to the Situationist’s unasked question: Where do I go and Where do I go to the bathroom?

Zoka Greenlake

Zoka Greenlake

Review by cafe tableaux: There is a nice phenomenon in some cities, say, Portland, OR, where small intersections deep within residential districts swell slightly with a commercial hub.

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is a compendium of literary, anecdotal musings on coffeeshop and cafe culture.
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Zootown Brew
Missoula, Montana
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Flipnotic Coffeespace Flipnotic Coffeespace
Austin, Texas
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Gathering Grounds Gathering Grounds (née Sweet Java Brown)
Atlanta, Georgia
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Black Sheep Black Sheep
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
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