Athens cafes


Review by cafe tableaux: like Stumptown in Portland, Favorite is filled with all the latest slick magazines telling you more than you wanted…

Jittery Joe’s Eastside

Review by cafe tableaux: As far as I can recall, there is not much to say about this coffee shop.

Jittery Joe’s Five Points

Jittery Joe’s Five Points

Review by cafe tableaux: there have been 2 shops in my life thus far that usurped my home as consistent theatre of operations or sitting parlour.

Red Eye

redeye 3

Review by cafe tableaux: He carried a fresh baguette that filled the whole room immediately with warmth and crusty aroma. A fresh baguette on a Sunday?

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Broadway Cafe Broadway Cafe
Kansas City, Missouri
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Aixois Coffee Bar Aixois Coffee Bar
Kansas City, Missouri
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Bourgeois Pig
Chicago, Illinois
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Coal Creek Coffee Company; Downtown Laramie, Wyoming Coal Creek Coffee Company, Downtown
Laramie, Wyoming
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