Michigan cafes

Cafe Verde

Cafe Verde

Review by cafe tableaux: Although I try my damnedest to creep the coffeeshops local to my home, it often ends up feeling like a sad chore…

Java Hutt

Java Hutt

Review by cafe tableaux: There is nothing wrong with Java Hutt capitalizing on its role as coffee dispensary to the preened hipness of this suburban enclave.

Xhedos Cafe

Xhedos Cafe

Review by cafe tableaux: Almost every city with a skyscraper has at least one little cultivated strip of businesses where squares can go when they feel ‘funky.’

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is a compendium of literary, anecdotal musings on coffeeshop and cafe culture.
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Coffea Coffea Roasterie
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
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Bourgeois Pig
Chicago, Illinois
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Zanzibar's Coffee Adventure Zanzibar’s Coffee Adventure
Des Moines, Iowa
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Tacoma, WA Kickstand Cafe
Tacoma, Washington
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